Little changes to make in v3:

  • Immediately, I noticed in the WebGL version, the main UI canvas that shows health, diamonds, and quit game button doesn't show up. Weird. I'll have to troubleshoot that and see where I went wrong.
  • Also, it looks like both MacOS and Linux aren't working still, which means the only one with actual functionality is a Windows download. I'd like to try saving the game with both MacOS settings (so having two builds for MacOS and specifying which is Silicon and which is 64-bit and letting players decide which they need instead of combining them in a universal build). For Linux, I'm going to try the Mono since it's the in other architecture. Also, weirdly to note: Windows is in Mono, I believe. I know I can't download MacOS in Mono since I'm on a Windows and that option is only available on Mac devices.
  • The easiest update I want to make is enabling the curtain again. I forgot to enable it before I built everything for v3. That's a quick checkbox, though. If only everything were that easy.

I'm crowdsourcing some support and digging into the Unity learning pages to see where I potentially went wrong with these, and I hope to upload v4 for everything by the end of the week! 

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In WebGL:

  • The static UI (UI1) works, but only in full screen. That makes me think it's something to do with the resolution?
  • Two things I can think to experiment with:
    • In UI -> Canvas Scaler -> UI Scale Mode 
      • It's currently "constant pixel size" so I might try "scale with screen size" then adjust the location/size of all the pixels (and remember to double-check the animations)
    • In build settings: the resolution height and width
      • I'll do this one second, just because I think the issue might be the first one.